Weekly Weeding Session

Respected Parents and Guardians,

It’s Wednesday today and in Alhikmah that means Weeding Day.🌷

Alhamdulillah, we are grateful every day for the beautiful flowers and trees that surround us here and help us release some of the stress in our everyday routine. These lovely gardens would have not been possible without the love and care of our dear trustees and caretakers.

In return, every Wednesday the entire madrasah, students, and asatizahs join in the field for some Vitamin D.☀️ Together they work hand in hand, in helping to maintain the beautiful trees and flowers in this three-acre land. And of course, let’s not forget the adorable animals on the mini farm.💕

May Allah Ta’aala accept it from us, grant us all love and unity in this world and gather us all together in the true everlasting gardens, that are His gardens of Jannah. Amin.🌷

About The Madrasah

Madrasah Al Hikmah Lil Banaat is an Institute of Higher Islamic Education providing a well-rounded learning experience to acquire Islamic knowledge.

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